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How Branching Minds Can Help You

Streamline MTSS Practice
Reduce time spent creating and collaborating around quality intervention plans by
Reduce time spent documenting, monitoring, tracking and communicating student progress by
Reduce time spent preparing for, conducting, and participating in student review meetings by
Reduce time spent gathering/ interpreting data and creating reports by
Strengthen Student Outcomes
Improve student success rates to secure/protect funding by
Reduce the impact of disproportionality to avoid IDEA Part B fund reserve/reallocation of
Reduce unnecessary SPED referrals by
Strengthen teacher satisfaction to help improve retention rate by
Total value over

Overall -year value created:

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See the Branching Minds Platform in Action

The Return-on-Investment (ROI) and other financial calculations performed by this tool are based on data provided by BRANCHING MINDS customers, and various assumptions, and produce estimates only. The actual ROI realized by customers may vary from the estimates provided. BRANCHING MINDS offers this tool to assist customers with evaluating their MTSS solution; however, BRANCHING MINDS and Hobson & Company (the firm that created the tool) are not responsible for the accuracy of any estimates.